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7 Common Custom Lash Packaging Mistakes to Avoid

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Product packaging says a lot about a company. It tells whether your brand is frail or robust, your product is low-grade or topnotch, and your business can be trusted or not. 

Despite the value quality packaging offers, many companies continue to make the same mistakes.

To help you out, here we have listed seven common custom lash packaging mistakes you should avoid.

Packing is Overly Complicated


An ideal lash packaging is streamlined, which makes it easier for customers to guess what’s inside. To add to it, the best packaging highlights the product without any fuss. 

On the contrary, the worst packaging uses a complicated design that’s topsy-turvy and leaves your prospective customers perplexed about the product. 

Copying the Competitor’s Packaging

If you put your lash boxes packing next to your competitor’s packing and fail to tell them apart, it means you have a huge problem at hand. Fortunately, you can overcome this problem with a redesign. Today, you have plenty of tools at your disposal to create a novel design for your lash boxes.

However, if you need inspiration or cannot design it on your own, you can always hire a reliable packaging company like The Legacy Printing to handle the design and manufacturing of your custom lash boxes

The US-based packaging firm offers free design support and gives you the freedom to choose materials, styles, colors, sizes, and finishing options. 

The Packaging is Difficult to Open

Test your lash boxes wholesale supply with a few target customers before launching the product. It will give you an insight into what they think about your packaging. 

For example, how hard or easy it is to open your packaging. Remember, if your customers find it difficult to open your packing, they will prefer to buy from your competitor even if they loved your product.

Packaging Is Deceptive

You have ever bought a bag of chips that’s only half full? This is, by all means, the prime example of deceptive packaging as it was mostly air in the potato chips bag. 

The same remains true for the bag of candy that seems as if it contains tons of candies, but in reality, you’ll find only four or five. 

Don’t make your target audience feel cheated or misled. Make sure your custom printed lash boxes appropriately represent what’s inside.

Packing Items in Oversized Boxes

Packing your items in huge boxes means wasting shelf space and your money. Oversized packaging is a flawed idea that greatly swells your total product cost. 

By designing custom packaging, you can avoid bulky or large boxes. And the best thing about keeping your packaging small is you’ll end up having attractive packaging and saving a good chunk of money.

The Packaging isn’t Eco-Friendly

It’s a tough ask to offer 100 percent environmentally friendly packaging, but one can always try to include some sustainable elements. 

These days customers prefer brands and businesses that care about the environment. 

So if you can switch to eco-friendly packaging and showcase to your intended audience how environmentally friendly you are, it’ll make a grave difference and help boost your sales.

Packaging Eyelashes in Cheap Boxes

Of course, every brand wants to keep its product costs reasonably low, but it should not come at the cost of your packing. 

Cheap packaging can easily come apart, which means it can damage or spill out your eyelashes. And the cost of delivering damaged goods is way more than you think. 

Be practical, but be smart when it comes to designing your product packing. All in all, product packaging is an important part of your business plan, so make sure to partner with the right packaging company that is a trusted partner of leading manufacturers and brands in varying industries.

About the author:
Picture of Chris Daniel
Chris Daniel

Chris Daniel is a very unique, professional, and informative website/blog writer. His biography page features various types of photography strategies in the USA. Keep an eye on his blog that contains a lot of creative details that draw with keep attention.

Picture of Chris Daniel

Chris Daniel

Chris Daniel is a very unique, professional, and informative website/blog writer. His biography page features various types of photography strategies in the USA. Keep an eye on his blog that contains a lot of creative details that draw with keep attention.

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