
Amazon Picture Requirements In 2022: A Detailed Guide For Sellers

For the last two decades, the concept of’ online shopping’ has changed our lifestyle in a completely new way. Who would have thought that we would be able to buy anything sitting at home and have it delivered to our front door?

Amazon has played a significant role in establishing a successful online marketplace worldwide. In the USA, the net sales in Amazon were 263.52 billion US Dollars in the year 2020. It also has approximately $410 million in sales worldwide per day. That definitely explains how crazy the marketplace is, and it’s always thriving.

Every day, new sellers are registering on Amazon to expand their business. But not all of them age getting acknowledged. Why is that? There’s a high chance that they are not following the correct Amazon picture requirements regarding selling items. Images are the core of online selling. If your pictures are not getting acknowledged by Amazon, it’s natural that you won’t get customers.

Different type of product images has different requirements in Amazon. We have gathered all information and created a complete guide for all types of sellers. Hopefully, this will help you to grow your business on Amazon.

Why Are Images Necessary In Amazon?


Amazon is one of the largest online marketplaces with millions of potential sellers and buyers. And Amazon solemnly depends on product images for their business. Sellers need to post clear and authentic pictures of the items they intend to sell.

Without a good product image, it is impossible to establish a successful online business. A seller can attract a potential buyer with a vibrant and stunning image. You can also get acknowledged by Amazon if you submit a good photo following the proper guidelines. It will increase sales and help you to grow your business. That’s why amazon photos are of great importance.

Basic Requirements For Amazon Photos: Technical Requirements

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If a website allows outsiders to post on their platform, they will likely enforce some rules and regulations. Amazon is no different. It has pointed out some necessary requirements that everyone needs to follow regarding image posting. If the product images don’t meet up the conditions, the photo is more likely to get disqualified.

So, what are the basic amazon photo requirements? Let’s take a look at them.

1. Image File Format

Amazon generally allows JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg), PNG (.png), TIFF (.tif, .tiff), GIF (.gif) files for product image. But Amazon doesn’t allow any animated gifs. So keep that in mind. The preferable file format for Amazon is JPEG.

2. Image Size

Posting the correct size photos is necessary for business. The minimum size for amazon photos is 1000 pixels. You can’t put an image with three digits size. On the other hand, the largest size for the picture is 10,000 pixels. But it’s better to keep the size close to 2560×2000 pixels.

3. File Size

You can use a maximum of 10 MB file size for every image. Amazon allows that much. There’s no limitation for minimum size. But it is better to keep it in the mid-range.

4. Image Frame

By image frame, we indicate how much space your product should occupy on the picture. Amazon urges to fill up at least 85% of the total image with the selling product. Also, the whole image should appear in the frame. It is not acceptable if any part is cropped or invisible.

5. Image Background

Amazon only allows photos with white and transparent backgrounds. It should be a pure white background (RGB 255, 255, 255). Any kind of colorful background is unacceptable. You can get rid of the unnecessary background and replace it with a transparent one too.

6. Color Mode

Amazon only allows RGB and CMYK color modes for their pictures. You can not use any other mode. Else your images won’t be accepted on the website.

7. File Name

You must name the image file accurately so that it can be found when searched. It should contain the product’s name or identifier (Amazon ASIN, 13-digit ISBN, EAN, JAN, or UPC). They should follow by a dot/period (.) and proper extension (.jpg). You should not use any other characters or unnecessary spaces in the image. It will stop the image from being uploaded.

Additional Amazon Picture Requirements

Small business planning

Other than the technical parts, there are some additional requirements too that sellers need to follow while uploading a picture. They are similarly as crucial as the technical ones. Unfulfillment of any of these may become the cause for your photo to be removed from the website.

Let’s see what these additional picture requirements are-

  •         The image should be focused and should look professional. It should be well lit and of high resolution so that customers can get a clear look at the products.
  •         All the images should be clear, visible, and vibrant. Any kind of unclear, blur and hazy photos will not be posted on Amazon to maintain their quality. All the details and features of the product must be clearly visible to the buyers.
  •        Only the product up for sale should be present in the image. Any other accessories that can confuse the customers should not be in the picture. For example- if you are selling a flower vase, just show an empty vas. Don’t include any flowers (natural/artificial). It may put the customers in the delusion that flowers also come with the vase.
  •         The images must look realistic. You can always take the help of editing tools. But you can not create a fake product image. The colors should also look natural.
  •         Cover arts are only acceptable in a few cases like digital books, paintings, files, etc. Other than that, no drawing (hand paint/ digital) and illustration of the product is allowed.
  •         The full product should be present in the photo. It also needs to fill 85% of the whole area along with the white background.
  •         Cropped and close-up shots are also allowed. But they should portray the product as a whole. Else, it is not acceptable.
  •         Any kind of watermark, logo, text, color patch, border, design, or any kind of graphics work should not be included in the image. Logos, watermarks similar to Amazon’s are strictly prohibited.
  •         The clothing and apparel products should be either displayed on models or flat. Models are preferable to represent clothes for grown-ups. Flat lay clothing photography is preferable for presenting children’s clothes.
  •         Model who will display the clothing items should pose in a modest way. They should be in the standing pose. Models who are sitting, kneeling, or lying are not acceptable.
  •         No types of pornographic, immodest, or offensive photos are acceptable. This also goes for choosing the product line.

Amazon Picture Requirements For Main Product Photos

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As Amazon is a large online marketplace with lots of various products, it has set different guidelines for different types of images. For example- it is preferable if your main product photo is zoomable. Your other photos may not have the feature, and it’s completely alright. It’s Because the additional images are not as important as the main photo.

The requirements for main product photos are given below-

  •         The photo should contain the selling item only. No accessories or props that may confuse the audience are allowed.
  •         The image should be clear, bright, and realistic.
  •         No drawing or illustration is allowed unless it’s a digital book or file.
  •         All the features and designs of the product must be visible in the picture.
  •         The size of the image should not be too small or too big. It is preferable if it is big enough to zoom. The minimum size is 1600 pixels, and the maximum size is 10,000 pixels.
  •         There should not be any watermark, logo, text present in the image.
  •         You can create a descriptive product photo. That’s allowed. You can put necessary and highlighted features of a product in a descriptive form.
  •         The background of the image should be pure white. No colorful background is allowed.
  •         You can upload multiple photos of the same product but from different angles. That way, customers can see a product more accurately. But the main image needs to be more eye-catchy.
  •         The main photo for shoes, sandals is better if it contains a single shoe. It should be facing the left at a 45° angle. It’s a professional way to showcase shoes.

These are the requirements for Amazon product photos, along with the technical specifications. Follow them to establish a successful business in Amazon.

Picture Requirements For Selling Clothing Items

Fashion and apparel have definitely consumed a large part of e-commerce. As a result, the number of sellers and buyers is increasing incredibly day by day. That’s why to maintain a standard community; Amazon has set some image requirements, especially for clothing and apparel.

  •         Only the clothing piece up for sale should be displayed in the picture.
  •         No additional accessories are allowed that can put the customers in delusion.
  •         The main photo for men’s and women’s clothing items should be photographed in a model.
  •         Models should be presented in the standing pose. Kneeling, sitting, splitting, or lying poses are completely prohibited.
  •         Baby clothes are preferred to be photographed by flat lay photography, without any model.
  •         You can crop parts of clothing items if they are unnecessary. For example- if you are selling a shirt, you can always crop out the lower portion of the model, which is not really necessary for presenting the shirt.
  •         It is better if the photo is zoomable. It allows the buyers to take a close look at the fabrics.
  •         The images should not be provocative or vulgar, especially in the case of lingerie and swimsuit. These should be presented in the modest possible way.
  •         Nudity and any kind of sexual content are totally banned.

If you intend to sell clothing items on Amazon and do not want to get banned, follow these instructions correctly and the earlier mentioned basic technical requirements.

How To Take Perfect Product Pictures For Amazon

product photography

Despite knowing the requirements, sellers often face trouble getting the perfect shot for Amazon. Are you facing the same problem too? We will try to explain how to click a stunning picture that will surely bring you more customers.

Let’s get started.

1. Make The Plan

Before getting started, plan out the whole thing. What type of product are you trying to sell? How do you want to present them? How will the customers like to see it? Do some research and some thinking to find out the best possible answers.

When you are done thinking, make arrangements. Select a date and place where you want to shoot. If it’s an indoor studio, that’s great. Prepare your studio and get started.

2. Prepare The Equipment

The most important thing in photography is the necessary equipment. Nowadays, almost everyone has a good camera. It doesn’t matter if it’s a phone or a DSLR. As long as it clicks good quality images, you are fine to proceed. But in case you don’t have a good camera or phone, buy one if possible.

Along with the camera, some other accessories like a tripod, flashlights, camera lens, etc., are necessary. Prepare all the equipment before the shoot.

3. Use White Background

White is the most classic and most professional color when it comes to product photography. Not to mention, it also has a classy look that makes the items look more stunning.

But the main reason for using a white background for product photography is, it doesn’t steal the limelight from the product itself. It minimizes unnecessary distraction and makes the product the center of the image. It also helps the product to shine and reflect on the surface.

So, use a white background for your shoot. In case you don’t have a white background, you can use a green one which can be removed afterward using Photoshop. Or you can also use a whiteboard or white paper as an alternative.

4. Set The Lighting Properly

Lighting plays a vital role in photography. It is said that lighting can make an image stunning but also can ruin it completely. It depends on the photographer. If you are using light properly, it will enhance your photo up to a great extent.

Set the light in a place from where your product will get enough light but not too much. You can use both natural and artificial light, whichever seems easier to work with.

5. Keep The Resolution High

Amazon itself has asked for a high-resolution photo to upload on their platform. Though they have done it to maintain their standard, it is highly beneficial for the sellers. If your images are clear and detailed, they will naturally attract more customers.

Keep the image resolution high while clicking an Amazon product image. Make sure that your images are not blurry and all edges, designs, and other details are clearly visible. You should never compromise with your image’s quality.

6. Keep Things Steady

A good photo can turn into a bad one if it’s blurry or hazy. One of the main reasons for photos turning into a blurry mess is the camera’s unwanted shaking. A tripod can be a lifesaver in such situations.

If you are relying on your hands to keep the camera steady, the chances of messing everything up are very high. I would recommend you use a tripod that will hold the camera in place. It will prevent any kind of unwanted shaking and will ensure clear and vibrant photos.

7. Do Not Use Zoom

Sometimes we think that if we zoom in on the camera and click a shot, it will show the product in a more detailed way. No, it won’t. This concept is totally wrong. It will just make things worse. The pixels will break, the edges will look smudged, and the overall photo will be a mess.

Do not ever use the internal zoom of the camera while shooting product pictures. If you want to take a close-up shot, move the camera towards the product. It is more effective that way.

8. Take Shots From Different Angles

The main product photo for Amazon is the one that shows up when you search for a product. But it is not the only one. You can always upload a couple of photos of the same item. In that way, the buyers who may not have experience with the product can take a better look and decide whether to buy it or not.

The main image for the product should show the front view of the product. It’s a picture requirement of Amazon. But to give the customers a better idea about the product, you can click shots from different angles and upload them.

9. Check The Image Size

This is one of the most important things to do before uploading an image to Amazon. Amazon has set a minimum and maximum image size that you need to follow. Else, your pictures won’t be acknowledged by Amazon. As a result, you won’t get any customers too.

The image should not be too small or too big. The minimum size is 1000 pixels, and the maximum size is 10,000 pixels. But it is preferable if the image is larger enough to zoom.

10. Avoid Additional Items

Additional items, accessories, and props can add more beauty to a photo. It is true. But it can also steal the limelight from the main product. Also, it can put buyers into confusion regarding the actual selling item. Some even also fall into the delusion that they will get the additional items delivered along with the main product. 

In order to avoid all these hassles, it is better not to use any additional items during product photography. Shoot the selling items exclusively and helps the buyers not become confused.

11. Keep The Content Modest

Amazon is a platform where people of all ages have access. From kids to grannies, all types of people use Amazon nowadays to make their lives a little easier. Now, if some immodest contents contaminate the platform, that’s not a good thing, right?

To keep their reputation intact, Amazon has banned any sort of immodest, sexual content. So, keep your photos modest and safe for everyone. If you are shooting with a model or mannequin, focus on the garments only.

12. Edit The Images

A vital thing that is often forgotten is editing the product images before uploading. Now you may think that I have paid attention to all the things during a photoshoot. Why will I need to edit the photos again?

Well, no shot is 100% perfect. Even a little touch of editing can change a photo completely. Also, it is the perfect chance to correct all the mistakes that were made during the photoshoot.

You can either edit the photos yourself or can hire help from a professional image editing service provider. Clipping Path CA serves highly in this matter. We have hundreds of capable editors who are ready to take any kind of challenge and deliver the best results to the client. So if you think that you need our help, feel free to contact us anytime. We are 24/7 available for our clients.

These are the things that you need to keep in mind and follow to click a perfect shot to upload on Amazon.

Best Amazon Product Image Editor Company: Clipping Path CA

eCommerce Photo Editing Service

When it comes to editing images, most of us are not confident enough to do it ourselves. What if we ruin the image? That’s the thought keeps on playing in our mind. As a result, we prefer to hire professional help from different editing companies.

Clipping Path CA is also an image editing company that provides the best quality work to its clients. We are an outsourcing company, meaning we have experts from all over the world working with us. Our editors are highly experienced and professional. They are capable of handling all sorts of projects skillfully.

If it is a project of editing photos for Amazon, Clipping Path CA is the best one out there. We have years of experience in this field, and we certainly know the requirements for Amazon. That’s why we can edit the photos with ease and can deliver our clients the most satisfactory results.

We also have a revision facility in case you are not happy with the edit. You can request a revision, and we will edit the photos until you are satisfied with them. We are available 24/7 for our clients. You can contact us anytime.

The pricing for Amazon product images is also very nominal and budget-friendly. Anyone can hire our service easily. We have free trials if you want to judge our skills. You can upload 2/3 images with the list of requirements, and we will edit them accordingly. You can judge afterward if we are capable of getting the project or not.

Contact us now and let us help you to grow your business on Amazon.

Final Words

Amazon is a renowned online selling platform that has branches all over the world. Naturally, they have issued some requirements regarding photos to keep up their standard and reputation. You need to follow them if you want to build up a successful business in Amazon.

We have tried to gather all the latest information regarding the Amazon picture requirements and made a detailed guide for the sellers. If you are a seller of Amazon and are ignorant about the requirements Amazon has issued, this guide has probably helped you know everything in detail. Hopefully, you can make good use of this information and expand your business on Amazon. We wish you good luck.


1. Why white background is necessary for Amazon?

Not only in Amazon, but most of the online marketplace urges white to be the background color of the product images. There are a couple of reasons behind that.

  •         White background can enhance the product’s beauty.
  •         It makes the product center of attention.
  •         It doesn’t divert attention from the product.
  •         It gives the whole image a classic look.

This is why Amazon only allows pure white background for product photos.

2. How to click images with a white background?

White backgrounds are available in the market. You can either buy them or use some alternatives like a white wall, whiteboard, white paper, etc. You can also use other backgrounds and replace them with a white one later using Photoshop.

Put the product in front of the background and click from the front to get a proper front view of the product. You can also use different angulation to bring a variety.

3. What is the ideal size of the Amazon photo?

The minimum size for Amazon photos is 1000 pixels. The maximum size is 10,000 pixels. However, the preferable size is 2560×2000 pixels.

4. How to resize Amazon photos?

Photos that are used on Amazon often need to be resized. It can be done using Photoshop. All you need to do is, open the picture in Photoshop, change the image size on the Dropbox that will show when you click on ‘image’> ‘image size.’

Finalize the size, save the image, and your image is ready for uploading on Amazon.

5. What is stock photos on Amazon?

When you upload a picture, it becomes a property of Amazon. It means Amazon can use this photo as they please. It is saved on their stock, and they hold the right to use it.

6. Can I use the picture I already used in Amazon somewhere else?

Yes, you can. When you upload an image on Amazon, you just give them the right to save your photo and use them as they wish. But you are still the owner of that image. You can still use it on different platforms.

7. What is the file format for Amazon?

Amazon accepts JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF files for their website. But the preferable format is JPEG (.jpg).

About the author:

Picture of Chris Daniel

Chris Daniel

Chris Daniel is a very unique, professional, and informative website/blog writer. His biography page features various types of photography strategies in the USA. Keep an eye on his blog that contains a lot of creative details that draw with keep attention.

Picture of Chris Daniel

Chris Daniel

Chris Daniel is a very unique, professional, and informative website/blog writer. His biography page features various types of photography strategies in the USA. Keep an eye on his blog that contains a lot of creative details that draw with keep attention.

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