Indoor photography is the tactic that materializes taking photos indoor; It means taking photos inside any house or mall or halls. Besides outdoor photography, it has also become a trend.
Indoor photography includes a vast subdivision. Many sectors lead to many opportunities. If you make a decision to move to this sector, then we are here to show you some ways.
What is Indoor Photography?
Indoor photography means shooting inside a building or a structure. Example: photo studio, any room such as a garage, hall room, any shop, etc.
If this is a rainy day, you can’t go out due to storm or snowfall; indoor photography is a better idea.
01. Some Creative Ideas to Obtain
- Try with an indoor portrait. You can use natural light from your window. If you think that the sun is not enough for you, then increase brightness with photoshop skills.
- As a subject, you can choose any person. Choose a contrasting dress code with the wall color.
- Think of a subject such as reading books, or having coffee, or watching the rainfall. Now teach your model the exact pose you want.
- You can do photography in your garden. Capture a particular tree. You can focus on a colorful fruit.
- You can capture bees or simple ants or hives.
- Keep some flowers in a flower vase. That’s a delicate subject.
- You can also capture any simple household products, such as a basket, a dreamcatcher, a ventilator, color crayons, art, pictures, candles, watch, mirrors, books, etc.
- You can have beautiful pictures of your pet.
- Last but not least, food photography has become a fashion nowadays.
02. Products You Will Need
There is a different kind of photography.
Macro photography: This is close-up photography. Background matters less here. The materials you will need for this.
- Tripod
- Reflectors
- Diffuser
- Flash
- Flash diffuser
- Macro lens
Abstract: This means capturing an object from different angles to make it look photogenic. The material is:
- Lightbox
Portrait: The materials which are included here:
- Background
- Clips
- Portrait lens
- Flashgun
- Diffuser sheet
03. Indoor photography Settings
If you want the best result, then you must go through these rules.
Step-1: Check out the light
First of all, check out the light. Your success in photography depends on light. Find out the light source. If you have a room that has a bigger window, then it can be a better light source. Especially, in the case of indoor photography, window-coming light is a more prominent light source.
Not only that, but you also have to place your subject closer to that window. Then you will have a great view and enough light for your shooting. You won’t have to increase the brightness of your photo later. Indoor photography lighting is an important issue.
Step-2: Switching to manual mode
Don’t think of shooting in AUTO mode. You will lose all the controls. In the case of indoor photography, it’s not a better idea to shoot in AUTO mode. You have to focus on a lot of things, such as lighting, aperture, focus, etc.
We highly recommend you shoot in MANUAL mode. Everything is going to be under your control. You can change your settings at any time if you use MANUAL mode.
Step-3: Choosing aperture settings
Now fix your camera settings, which are aperture settings.
If you want to work in a place that has low light, keep your aperture settings low. Choose a lens that allows a wider aperture. Your maximum aperture may be F4.5. If you don’t know how to do this setting, take professional help.
Step-4: Shutter speed
Keep your shutter speed maximum. Indoor photography includes still photography as well as motion photography. If you don’t keep your shutter speed high, your motion pictures will get blurry.
Motion blur happens when you try to capture a movable object. A blurry image is a big NO. Blurry images remind of lost focus or noisy pictures. So, keep your shutter speed high enough.
But too high speed also ruins your pictures. It makes you use high ISO. So, try to keep your shutter speed standard.
Step-5: ISO settings
Keep your ISO settings low. Also, maintain correct exposure. An unexposed pic with a low ISO will not help you.
Now, you have done with your settings. It’s time to capture some pictures.
Some Indoor Photography Tips for You

As a beginner, everyone struggles a lot with camera settings, lighting, subjects, etc. We have prepared a complete guideline for you.
- Fix your camera settings. ISO speed, shutter speed, the aperture must be exact, as we said earlier. Photo format must be RAW, shooting mode in aperture priority.
- Opening your aperture up lets more light come in and reach the sensor.
- AUTO white balance is excellently maintained in an advanced camera. But you must do it manually to achieve the best result. If you lack sunlight and shoot in your house light, maintain white balance as your light bulb color. You can also use a white balance card. It is easy to maintain white balance if you shoot in JPEG format.
- Never place your subject facing opposite the window. That will make the picture dark.
- You must know the schedule of sunlight. Which time sunlight hits your house or window, or which amount of light you need-you must research these things. There will be harsh light in the morning or at 12 pm, but you can get a soft glow from 3 to 4 pm.
- You can play with shadow. Shadows produce a dramatic effect. If you keep a portrait in a place adjusted in the half-light and half shadow, this will be so attractive.
- You can use a reflector that lets light reflect on your object. You can buy reflectors, or use white paper, sheets, board as a reflector. Reflector produces extraordinary creative photography. You also can use flash or other light sources.
- If you want to focus on your subject only, keep your background simple. This can be a wall with light color or simple cloth. If you can’t find a perfect background, use a wide aperture to soften it. If you try to focus on the background along with your subject, use a wide-angle. You can focus on the background and keep blurry your item, which may produce a storyline.
- You can include accessories to beautify your pictures. Place a flower vase beside your model, or place a smoky hot coffee beside your food; this adds a lot to your photo.
- You can create a smoke effect. Use a fan to blow it towards your wanted direction.
- If you take pictures of yourself, you can clone it. It’s a fun idea. Set the camera and timer. Now, snap-in different positions and different poses. Now use a PHOTOSHOP app to layer all your pictures.
- You can create a bokeh effect with still subjects. Use lights and place the item at a distance from view. Also, you can get a bokeh effect with a barrel of long focal length.
- Use levitating effects with your photos.
- Place your subject in front of the mirror. Now, here is a mirror photograph.
- Merge two captured photos and get double exposure.
- Take a spiral photo placing a torch hanging from a ceiling and keeping your subject beneath.
- Also, use a torch to get light trail photos.
- You can get your photo illustrated.
- Take oil drop pictures, water drop pictures.
- Capture tiny little objects with a macro lens, such as ant, eye, feature, leaves, etc.
- Place your model beneath a table and pour ice on the table, high art of photography.
- Say your model to stand in front of a white wall and use projectors to reflect film upon a wall and your model.
- Experiment with your pets. Capture photos of your pet during walking, sleeping, or playing with a wool ball.
- Besides photography, you must know a lot about photoshop. You can use adobe photoshop, Lightroom, Snap seed, etc. apps.
- Enable profile corrections
- Boost your shadow as much as you can
- Add a touch of vibrance
- Don’t forget about white balance
Advantages of Indoor Photography

- You will never have to think about the weather. It can be raining; it might be storming or snowing; that’s none of your business.
- You don’t have to depend on natural light. You can use your own bulb or fluorescent light or studio light, or fix them according to your needs.
- If you go to some distant places or mountains or forests to shoot, you may face a lot of problems. There may be no electricity to charge your stuff. The model might not get an easy chance to change dresses, or have food, water, washroom problems. If you shoot indoors, you never have to think about these problems.
- The indoor is a very comfortable place. You never have to get worried about noise and people gathering together. If you visit a tourist place to shoot, you have to go through a lot of crowds. If you shoot indoors, you can just be all alone, minding your own business.
But there are some demerits too. If you shoot in a rented house or studio, you won’t have much time to work. But, overall, shooting indoors is super fun.
Final Thought
Indoor photography is quite a fun subject. You can do anything with your topic. We know there are no restrictions or regulations. In fact, this is a long way journey. There is no limit to learning. Always try to gather experience. Go to any photoshoot, learn photography as a course or school.
Practice makes a man perfect. Whenever you get time, capture things. Play with your subjects. Choose various with many details. Experiment with light, shadow, angles, etc. You have to go a lot of ways. So, enjoy your journey.